
Homeopathy is based on the principle that substances which cause symptoms of an imbalance at an overdose, will counteract the same imbalance when taken in extremely minute dose by stimulating the body’s natural healing systems. This principle was coined “like cures like” and thus the word homeopathy( homoios=similar, pathos=suffering ). Hippocrates (4th century B.C.) talks about this as “similars are healed by similars.”  Instead of trying to suppress symptoms of an imbalance in the body, homeopathy assists the body’s own immune system to deal with it. In this context the homeopathy looks at symptoms positively, messages from the body of some malfunction- for example raising the body temperature to deal with infections- and so it would not be wise to go after these “messages” rather than the malfunction itself

In homeopathy the more an original substance is diluted, the more potent the end result will become. Homeopathy is also person & symptoms specific, as no two people are the same. Homeopathic remedies are matched to each person unique characteristics.  It is very important to select a homeopathic remedy whose characteristics match all or most of the symptoms a person displays, by observing the very small differences that one person has to another.

Today almost 1/3 of France’s family doctors prescribe homeopathic products. In Britain over 40% of physicians refer patients for homeopathic treatment. Throughout Europe homeopathy is widely used. In US the homeopathic remedy manufacturing is strictly regulated by FDA.

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Clinical Trial Randi