SCENAR stands for Self Controlling Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulator. The technology is based on the concept that human body is a complex bioenergetic self-correcting system with an innate ability to maintain energetic balance between its different systems and parts.

Health problem arise when body functions come out of balance. To correct the imbalances often just a minor pulse will start body’s own healing mechanisms, and Scenar generates such an impulse. Scenar produces dynamically changing signals that when contacting the skin initiate a biofeedback dialogue with the body. Each Scenar signal helps regulate body’s functions and is controlled by the body through the feedback loop. No two consecutive signals from Scenar are the same, adjusting for the state of the body from moment to moment and the person’s condition changing and improving.

Areas of the skin that are reflexively or neurologically connected to stressed or adapted systems will demonstrate changed or abnormal electrical characteristics. Scenar generates a specific stimulating signal that brings the brain’s focus back to the acute problem areas for body’s own rapid healing processes to start.

Scenar was approved by USSR Medical Council since 1986 and is certified by European Common Market for pain control. In US it is registered with FDA as a biofeedback device for muscle re-education and relaxation training.