Aculife Device

Based on Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, through stimulation of hands, ears or forearm by extra long magnetic waves, the body microcirculation can be improved, metabolism accelerated and the immune system boosted.

Energy (called also chi or qi) circulates throughout the body along pathways called meridians. The electrical energy travels along these pathways separate from the nervous system. Meridians are channels with 20-50 milimicron in diameter. The places where the meridians’ branches reach the skin’s surface are called acupuncture and pressure points.

With the invention of modern electronics we have now the ability to test acupuncture points and measure the resistance they offer. When resistance is strong, it indicates that the electrical current is weaker than it should be, a sign of “deficiency” in “vital energy.”

When the resistance measured is low, the current is too strong, resulting in an excess energy. With Aculife applied to the hand, a stinging or prickling sensation would indicate an abnormal flow of electricity through meridians at various acupoints around the body corresponding with the parts of the hands being touched. In “Detect” mode, Aculife can identify the acupoints where the resistance is out of balance. By stimulating these points in “Relieve” mode, the energy flow in these acupoints can be restored to their correct level resulting in the body’s own initiation of any self-healing processes.