
Dental Health

Dental health is the gateway to our general health, as the nutrients absorption starts here. Our mouth like our gut harbors hundreds species of bacteria which under normal and healthy conditions are being kept under control and do not cause any problems. Without proper mouth hygiene and ignoring our dental issues these bacteria will grow out of control leading to tooth decay, gum disease and infections that can easily spread throughout body. A vicious cycle can start when other immune system suppressing disorders such as diabetes will increase severity of oral infections due to less active immune system which in turn will suppress the immune system further etc. A great deal of disorders may be linked to infections in the mouth (a root canal tooth may also hide deep infections!) such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Dry Mouth Syndrome, Alzheimer, Stroke, Osteoporosis to name a few. Many diseases symptoms may also be detected in the mouth like indigestion, diabetes lesions etc.