Exercise importance and devices

Exercise and Health

Everything in our “known” universe is moving, from the tiniest particles of atoms to the whole universe at large. No movement equals decay and “perdition”. Our lymphatic system is totally dependent on “moving”, regular exercise will move body waste products out of the way. Exercise improves the blood sugar metabolism including insulin sensitivity (diabetics should follow an exercise plan under supervision of a specialist due to high/low blood sugar levels effect on all blood vessels). Blood sugar (glucose) is taken up by our cells by way of Insulin signaling “pathway” or “contraction mediated pathway, i.e. movement”, more movement, more glucose uptake by our cells. Sedentary lifestyle and disruption of sugar metabolism (consuming processed foods and simple carbs.) will cause fat accumulation in our waist area which is correlated with many disorders such as heart disease etc. Generally speaking, a combination of moderate aerobic and anaerobic exercise is the best method to keep us in form.
