
Ozone Therapy

Ozone is an oxygen molecule (O2) that has been attached to an extra oxygen atom making it a 3-atom molecule (O3). This extra oxygen bind can happen by natural causes in nature (such as lightning in sky during a storm or on the beaches by water rolling over the rocks) or by manmade forces (such as pushing air over an electrical spark). The 3-atom bind is very unstable and the extra oxygen atom will free itself at the first opportunity it gets, giving all the healing properties of ozone. This extremely reactive singlet oxygen is a strong oxidant (free radical) and will attach to pathogenic elements rendering them inactive. This free radical would also attack body cells to oxidize and damage them yet our healthy cells have plenty free radical scavengers in addition to antioxidant nutrients we consume(such as Vitamin C and E, Selenium, Zink, Gluthatione etc.) to protect themselves vs. unhealthy and pathogenic cells that lack them and will be damaged by singlet oxygen.
