
Dental Health

Dental health is the gateway to our general health, as the nutrients absorption starts here. Our mouth like our gut harbors hundreds species of bacteria which under normal and healthy conditions are being kept under control and do not cause any problems. Without proper mouth hygiene and ignoring our dental issues these bacteria will grow out of control leading to tooth decay, gum disease and infections that can easily spread throughout body. A vicious cycle can start when other immune system suppressing disorders such as diabetes will increase severity of oral infections due to less active immune system which in turn will suppress the immune system further etc. A great deal of disorders may be linked to infections in the mouth (a root canal tooth may also hide deep infections!) such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Dry Mouth Syndrome, Alzheimer, Stroke, Osteoporosis to name a few. Many diseases symptoms may also be detected in the mouth like indigestion, diabetes lesions etc.


Ozone Therapy

Ozone is an oxygen molecule (O2) that has been attached to an extra oxygen atom making it a 3-atom molecule (O3). This extra oxygen bind can happen by natural causes in nature (such as lightning in sky during a storm or on the beaches by water rolling over the rocks) or by manmade forces (such as pushing air over an electrical spark). The 3-atom bind is very unstable and the extra oxygen atom will free itself at the first opportunity it gets, giving all the healing properties of ozone. This extremely reactive singlet oxygen is a strong oxidant (free radical) and will attach to pathogenic elements rendering them inactive. This free radical would also attack body cells to oxidize and damage them yet our healthy cells have plenty free radical scavengers in addition to antioxidant nutrients we consume(such as Vitamin C and E, Selenium, Zink, Gluthatione etc.) to protect themselves vs. unhealthy and pathogenic cells that lack them and will be damaged by singlet oxygen.


Body Fat/Water Composition Analyzer

Body Impedance Analyzer (BIA)

BIA is used to estimate body composition such as fat, water and muscle. A tiny electrical current is sent to the body via several electrodes and the body “opposition” to the flow of this current is measured (called Impedance) as the current travels more easily through body compartments with more water (such as blood, urine and muscle mass) than the ones with less water (such as fat, bones and air). When current goes through water containing compartments it faces only an electrical Resistance R but when trying to go through less watery compartments it has to go through cell membranes which (due to their chemical structure) act like a capacitor with a unique resistance called Reactance (in fact it is a time delay caused by current trying hard to go through the medium). We call the sum of simple Resistance (example water) and Reactance (example cell membrane) Impedance. If our electrical current is an A/C (alternating current), its particular frequency acts differently when passing through water and non-water body compartments: it travels easier through cell membrane than watery parts (causing a “phase” shift) which is also used to determine body (total)cell mass to fat free mass: this “phase angle” is proportional to to the ratio of Reactance and Resistance. Monitoring body compartments contents over time (such as phase angle, impedance etc) gives us valuable information about general health state or recovery progress.

Pulse Oximeter

Blood Oximetry is an easy non-invasive way to monitor Oxygen Saturation in blood (blood bound to hemoglobin, percentage of red blood cells carrying oxygen).
SPO2 = Saturation of Peripheral Oxygen : displayed on Oximeter
SaO2 = Saturation of Arterial Oxygen gas in blood : measured via pulling blood and analyzing it.
SO2 = Saturation of Oxygen (% of hemoglobin sites bound to oxygen).
SPO2 is not necessarily same as SaO2 but they generally correlate so well (exceptions: CO-poisoning where CO attaches to hemoglobin rather than oxygen, people with lung disorders, anemia, vasoconstriction, cold extremities, heavy nail polish on fingers where oximeter sensor is placed, cigarette smoking etc.) that it can be clinically used to monitor body oxygen levels.
Red blood cells contain a protein called Hemoglobin. When a hemoglobin carries its maximum 4 oxygen molecules, it is “saturated”. Nearly all blood oxygen is hemo-bound when passing through the lungs. A healthy person (under normal conditions) has a SPO2 of 95-100%.
Oximeter is a small sensor worn on a finger (or sometimes on foot or earlobe), it sends 2 light beams (infrared and red) via 2 different LEDs through the (thin part of the) body. Blood saturated with oxygen aborbs less red than unsaturated blood. The amount of unabsorbed lights is measured & by way of calculation of ratio of oxygenated to deoxygenated hemoglobin using mathematical tables/laws, the SPO2 is displayed. To insure a good reading is better not to wear nail polish, be relaxed with warm hands below heart level.

Exercise importance and devices

Exercise and Health

Everything in our “known” universe is moving, from the tiniest particles of atoms to the whole universe at large. No movement equals decay and “perdition”. Our lymphatic system is totally dependent on “moving”, regular exercise will move body waste products out of the way. Exercise improves the blood sugar metabolism including insulin sensitivity (diabetics should follow an exercise plan under supervision of a specialist due to high/low blood sugar levels effect on all blood vessels). Blood sugar (glucose) is taken up by our cells by way of Insulin signaling “pathway” or “contraction mediated pathway, i.e. movement”, more movement, more glucose uptake by our cells. Sedentary lifestyle and disruption of sugar metabolism (consuming processed foods and simple carbs.) will cause fat accumulation in our waist area which is correlated with many disorders such as heart disease etc. Generally speaking, a combination of moderate aerobic and anaerobic exercise is the best method to keep us in form.