Detox Foot Bath

The foot bath unit produces a bio-charge that resonates throughout the water at a frequency specific to each individual person who is having a session. The negative ions released during a session are similar to those found in hot springs and other naturally charged water sources. They help to rebalance the body’s energy meridians by permeating and realigning a person’s energy field, thereby enhancing and amplifying the body’s ability to heal itself.

It is typical for a person to feel relaxed with a heightened mental clarity right after a foot-bath session.

The power supply of the unit generates and sends a direct current (DC) through a set of electrodes submerged in water which produce large quantities of negative ions. The refreshing feeling when walking along the beach is contributed to the ionic field produced as water molecules smash together on the sand. The ions are able to enter the body through relatively large pores of the feet and be transported throughout the body by circulatory and lymphatic systems. The ions can potentially neutralize the oppositely charged toxins in the cells and so contribute to the body optimal functionality by ridding of toxins, free radicals and body’s waste products

According to reflexology practices, the feet are channels through which the body attempts to clean itself of toxic wastes. Some of the reasons behind foot bath function include:

  • Electro-osmosis created by toxic concentration gradient and electrochemical potential gradient developed across the skin
  • Increased skin permeability under applied electric current around the environment
  • A current-induced water transport effect

Once the feet are placed in the foot bath, large quantity of ions enter the skin and turn the naturally acidic skin (pH=6) into alkaline (higher pH). The change of pH allows the skin to be permeable to variety of anions(-) and cations(+). The ions are then transported through the body. Many toxins are detached from the cell membrane after being neutralized by the ions and can be removed by intracellular fluid through electro-osmosis


Mental Exercise Biofeedback

This interactive program is designed to help and aid one to uncover the body’s own natural ability to relax and decompress from day-to-day work overload. It monitors the physical & emotional responses to activities and provides feedback that helps learn how to activate and balance oneself. The program measures body’s reaction to one’s physical and mental energy.

The body’s innate relaxation response is an incredibly effective remedy for stress and anxiety.

This program utilizes finger sensors to monitor the person’s internal physiological states and provides a feedback aiding the person to learn to control these states. The program measures Skin Conductance Level (SCL), indicating sweat gland activity, and the Heart Rate Variability (HRV), the difference in heart rate from one heart beat to another.

Increased perspiration is a sign of increased autonomic nervous system activation which is associated with increased energy — positive as in excitement — and negative, such as nervousness. The person is expected to attain the goal of a greater HRV in order to complete a program activity. Both SCL and HRV can be displayed on the computer monitor at any time during a session.

Aculife Device

Based on Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, through stimulation of hands, ears or forearm by extra long magnetic waves, the body microcirculation can be improved, metabolism accelerated and the immune system boosted.

Energy (called also chi or qi) circulates throughout the body along pathways called meridians. The electrical energy travels along these pathways separate from the nervous system. Meridians are channels with 20-50 milimicron in diameter. The places where the meridians’ branches reach the skin’s surface are called acupuncture and pressure points.

With the invention of modern electronics we have now the ability to test acupuncture points and measure the resistance they offer. When resistance is strong, it indicates that the electrical current is weaker than it should be, a sign of “deficiency” in “vital energy.”

When the resistance measured is low, the current is too strong, resulting in an excess energy. With Aculife applied to the hand, a stinging or prickling sensation would indicate an abnormal flow of electricity through meridians at various acupoints around the body corresponding with the parts of the hands being touched. In “Detect” mode, Aculife can identify the acupoints where the resistance is out of balance. By stimulating these points in “Relieve” mode, the energy flow in these acupoints can be restored to their correct level resulting in the body’s own initiation of any self-healing processes.

Light Touch Bioenergy Alignment (LTBA)

LTBA is a procedure consisting of lightly rubbing numerous reflex points on the back, neck & shoulder, along the spine, the sacrum, and the back of the hips. By rubbing these areas in a certain way the muscles being rubbed start to relax thereby allow the body to realign itself. This alignment will take away the stress off of numerous body systems, that couldn’t function properly under the stress of misalignment. Rubbing the reflex points will also unblock several energy pathways (meridians) that run through several body systems, allowing the body to start its own healing processes.


Throughout the history, plants have been used as the major source of medical treatments all over the world. Even today plants are an important source for production of medicinal drugs. The Europeans and Mediterraneans referred to plants that were used for medicine as “herbs”. Today the term herbs refer to any part of a plant used for flavoring or medicine. As such, the herbs could be a bark, flower, fruit, leaf or root of any plant, while herbology refers to the science & art of using plants for their healing properties. In US, the FDA classifies herbs as foods when no claims are made for them to treat, mitigate, prevent or cure any diseases. The herbs are regulated as medicine if any medicinal claims are made. Herbalists work towards strengthening body’s own healing abilities by using herbs nutritionally to cleanse, nourish and let the body heal itself. Herbs contain numerous organic elements & minerals that will support body’s natural functions

Herbs are typically administered either orally or applied externally. The modern herbologists often try first to initiate a detoxification of body systems and thereby create the internal environment for the body to start its own healing. After the initial detox, nutritive herbs can be used to provide the body with the tools it needs to start the healing process. Herbs have an energetic aspect that is well defined in Chinese as well as in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. In this context, many herbs are used in homeopathy which is mostly an energetic self-healing system

Herbs functions are similar to food. They supply the body with energy just as food does. Just as food contains certain vitamins, minerals etc., so do herbs, and therefore both need to be used wisely & responsibly otherwise they can do more harm than good.


Electro Reflex Energizer (ERE)

ERE is based on the concept of reflexology by utilizing low frequency stimulation of feet by way of acupressure points in the soles of the feet to provide relief from pain, tension, soreness & muscle spasms. ERE stimulates key reflex points which in turn promote blood circulation while loosening tense muscle tissues, releasing foot soreness, leg pain, swelling, stiffness and general pain in lower back. This helps the body restore and maintain its vital balance.

According to Eastern medicine, the soles of feet & hands are divided in several sections, whose stimulation & massage relieves stress, tension & pain (by releasing trapped energies). ERE combines foot reflexology with electro stimulation. By incorporating a heated footrest, it provides a relaxing & energizing effect that let the body reach its natural balance & harmony. By helping the flow of energy through painful areas, healing effects can be promoted.



Homeopathy is based on the principle that substances which cause symptoms of an imbalance at an overdose, will counteract the same imbalance when taken in extremely minute dose by stimulating the body’s natural healing systems. This principle was coined “like cures like” and thus the word homeopathy( homoios=similar, pathos=suffering ). Hippocrates (4th century B.C.) talks about this as “similars are healed by similars.”  Instead of trying to suppress symptoms of an imbalance in the body, homeopathy assists the body’s own immune system to deal with it. In this context the homeopathy looks at symptoms positively, messages from the body of some malfunction- for example raising the body temperature to deal with infections- and so it would not be wise to go after these “messages” rather than the malfunction itself

In homeopathy the more an original substance is diluted, the more potent the end result will become. Homeopathy is also person & symptoms specific, as no two people are the same. Homeopathic remedies are matched to each person unique characteristics.  It is very important to select a homeopathic remedy whose characteristics match all or most of the symptoms a person displays, by observing the very small differences that one person has to another.

Today almost 1/3 of France’s family doctors prescribe homeopathic products. In Britain over 40% of physicians refer patients for homeopathic treatment. Throughout Europe homeopathy is widely used. In US the homeopathic remedy manufacturing is strictly regulated by FDA.

2-page-evidence-summary-for-homeopathy-1 2-page-evidence-summary-for-homeopathy-2

Clinical Trial Randi


Bioenergetic Analysis Device: Asyra

The concept for interfacing resonance analysis technology goes to Dr. Voll in 1950’s (Electro Acupuncture according to Voll, E.A.V). The amount of current passing through cellular structure of body’s systems reveals functional status of the systems. As the  assessment is based on defined parameters of health, any deviation from this standard can easily be detected. Once problem areas in the body are identified, representative electromagnetic signatures of remedies are sent to the body & their response is measured, allowing to monitor how one responds to a remedy before it is administered. The Asyra analyzes the impedance & reactive capacitance of the body’s energetic fields. According to Dr. Reckeweg, M.D., disease processes first alter the body’s energetic field, eventually leading to chemical changes & finally to tissue destruction and/or disease. The Asyra contains tens of thousands of specific frequencies in a computer hard drive that can be transmitted into the body for evaluation. The specific frequencies that the body  finds of value can then be imprinted into a carrier solution( such as water and alcohol) and if a drop of it is taken in, the specific frequencies enter the body, distribute through the energetic nervous system and stimulate the cells to respond.

Description of Modalities, Procedures & Devices

The following Programs/Modalities described are only informational and/or for research purposes. No claims are made by Moonawell in regard with their effectiveness. Please consult your physician before attempting to use or buy any of mentioned Programs/Modalities.

Bio Terrain Assessment (BTA)

The BTA tests are intended for nutritional assessment purposes only and are mostly of “Do It Yourself” types. No medical claims are made based on these tests results.

Free Radicals-Oxidative Stress

This is used to assess electron potential and cell damage. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules with uncoupled electrons and are by-products of normal metabolic reactions.

As cells begin to steal electrons from each other, cell destruction results. High oxidation rate leads to fatigue and stressed body systems.

Electrolyte Dynamics: Flow of  Energy

Electrolyte solutions can enhance our cell function if they are balanced. Any imbalance here will upset the normal electrical flow through cells.

Nitrates Assessment for Immune Weakness/Stress

Nitrates are end product of nitric oxide (NO). NO is made by the body for a short time to mediate chemical situations. It is stimulated by low oxygen or high carbon monoxide and converts to a free radical. Nitrate test can assess an array of systems stress and oxidation.

Lemon Juice Test for Mineral Reserve and pH Assessment

Minerals are needed in the body for enzyme activity. By subjecting a person to lemon juice, the mineral buffer system reactions can be observed along a time line, and the available mineral reserves, degree of stress and mineral depletion risk factors monitored.

Ammonia Discharge: Assessment of Stress and Acidity

During protein metabolism nitrogen wastes are produced. The first nitrogen containing molecules formed is ammonia (NH3), which must be excreted by the body before it raises body fluid pH. Too much or too little ammonia causes imbalance in the system (like out of balance acid/alkaline ratio). Ammonia is also an adaptation response to mental, emotional, stress and other acid forming causes and its monitoring provide clues to body stress condition.

(Cl-) Displacement and System Stress

This test helps determine the degree of energy output of the body, the burden on the fluid balancing systems, the probable buffering- and mineral deficiency and the level of body stress. When stress activity and acidity is high or low, certain minerals (Na, K, Mg) that are bound to chloride are displaced. High acidity is the result of hyper-stimulated  sympathetic system, which stimulates certain body control systems.

Pulse Pressure Test for Stress Evaluation

The fact that a non-stressed body responds by blood pressure rising when standing up from a lying position can be used to evaluate system stress.

Pupil Size Observation

Stress can be assessed by looking at the pupil size in response to application and removal of a light source (such as a flash light).

Basal (at rest) Temperature Test

Basal temperature test is a simple method to monitor how the body uses some of the hormones that control that control the efficiency of its heat production.

Iodine Absorption Test

Is used to assess the absorption of the element iodine, which is very important for the body normal hormonal functions.

Digestion Assessment:  Malabsorption/HCl Evaluation

A proper protein absorption through the digestion system is of great importance

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) plays a big role in providing appropriate medium for the enzymes to break down the food and any imbalance in this system leads to undigested food, resulting in an overgrowth of pathogens and a host of other problems.

Enzyme Assessment

Digestive enzymes are the most important step in food digestion. Any imbalance here leads to undigested food, a whole range of problems and the suffering of intestinal flora.

Total Sugar Test

This is not a test for diabetes or glucose measurement. It is a “total sugars” assessment for evaluation of the body sugar metabolism meaning “high’ or “low” sugars.

Sugar metabolism has a tremendous importance in our ability to access the appropriate energy production pathways. Without its proper control and balance energy production will fluctuate. Some of the factors contributing to sugar imbalance are improper diet, stress, hormonal factors and lack of physical exercise. There are 2 major genotypes regarding sugar metabolism. The “glucogenic” type people who are deficient in oxidative energy metabolism from fats. Their system prefers to burn energy through citric acid cycle, i.e.  burning sugars as fuel. The “ketogenic” type people who are deficient in oxidative energy metabolism produced from amino acids. Their system prefers to burn fats via beta hydroxybutyric acid cycle. Both imbalance types are continuously struggling with sugar control. The “sugar meter” reads both high sugars (ketogenic) and low sugars (glucogenic).

Certain foods are good for one type and bad for another, especially due to different tendencies regarding acidity/alkalinity of the two genotypes.

Breath Test

This test determines the time a person is able to hold breath, which may point to the sugar metabolism genotypes. The Glucogenics have shorter breath-hold ability due to burning sugar and increased production of CO2 which leads to more oxygen requirement.

Lipid Panel Test

As high lipids oxidation, ammonia and electrolytes lead to numerous imbalances, it is good to know the lipid levels. This test evaluates the lipid levels in conjunction with other oxidative measures and is used solely for evaluation of oxidative stress on the body.

Mineral Calcium Assessment

Calcium is involved in vital functions of the body, such as in bones, muscle contraction, nerve impulses and the regulation of numerous other body reactions. As such it is very important to evaluate the body’s calcium reserves

Vitamin C Assessment

Vitamin C is involved in literally hundreds of biological activities in the body. Some conditions associated with vitamin C imbalance are low immune functions, fragile  capillaries, allergies, scurvy, etc.

This is a quick test to assess the body’s vitamin C status.

Hydration Index

When the body is dehydrated, it takes the water out of cells to dilute the acidity. As water is a good signal conductor, without it the cell communication will be affected dramatically

Zinc Test

Zinc is associated with tremendous amount of important body functions. It is mostly lacking in today’s modern diet. Zinc is important for enzyme production and is an essential cofactor of immune and reproductive systems. This is a simple yet reliable test that shows instantly the body’s zinc status.

Chemstrip Tests

These tests are basically a series of Do It Yourself  assessment for evaluation of several body systems stress level. Urine Analysis – – Introduction to Urinalysis

Osteomark NTx

This is a lab test for a non-medical evaluation of bones condition. It provides a quantitative measure of the excretion of cross-linked N-telopeptides of type I collagen.

NTx is ideal for identifying the probability for a decrease in bone mineral density after one year in postmenopausal women receiving calcium supplements.

Indications for a Thermographic Evaluation

Altered Ambulatory Kinetics Nerve Entrapment
Altered Biokinetics Nerve Impingement
Arteriosclerosis Nerve Pressure
Brachial Plexus Injury Nerve Root Irritation
Biomechanical Impropriety Nerve Stretch Injury
Breast Disease Nerve Trauma
Bursitis Neuropathy
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Neurovascular Compression
Causalgia Neuralgia
Compartment Syndromes Neuritis
Cord Pain/Injury Neuropraxia
Deep Vascular Disease Neoplasia
Disc Disease (melanoma, squamous cell, basal)
Disc Syndromes Nutritional Disease
Dystrophy (Alcoholism, Diabetes)
External Carotid Insufficiency Peripheral Nerve Injury
Facet Syndromes Peripheral Axon Disease
Grafts Raynaud’s
Hysteria Referred Pain Syndrome
Headache Evaluation Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
Herniated Disc Ruptured Disc
Herniated Nucleus Pulposis Somatization disorders
Hyperaesthesia Soft Tissue Injury
Hyperextension Injury Sprain/Strain
Hyperflexion Injury Stroke Screening
Inflammatory Disease Synovitis
Internal Carotid Insufficiency Sensory Loss
Infectious Disease (Shingles, Sensory Nerve Abnormality
Leprosy) Somatic Abnormality
Lumbosacral Plexus Injury Superficial Vascular Disease
Ligament Tear Skin Abnormalities
Lower Motor Neuron Disease Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Lupus Temporal Arteritis
Malingering Trigeminal Neuralgia
Median Nerve Neuropathy Trigger Points
Morton’s Neuroma TMJ Dysfunction
Myofascial Irritation Tendonitis
Muscle Tear Ulnar Nerve Entrapment
Musculoligamentous Spasm Whiplash

More Thermography Applications

  • Infections
  • Skin cancer
  • Neuropathies
  • Superficial vascular disorder
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Headache/Migraine
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Pre-Stroke
  • Heart disorders
  • Periodontal disorders/TMJ
  • Muscular Inflammation
  • Diverticulitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Vericosities
  • Scoliosis
  • Cystic Formations
  • Pre-Heart Attack
  • Thyroid Dysfunction
  • Inflammatory pain
  • Cardio-Vascular Inflammation
  • Digestive disorders
  • Immune System Response
  • And much more…

Evaluating the Thermography Images

The Thermography images taken in our office are “read” by either Dr. Ben Johnson or Dr. Greg Melvin. Dr. Gregory Melvin, DC, BCCT, is a Board Certified Clinical Thermographer with 20 years experience in the field of Medical Thermography. As the published author of “The Secret of Health: Breast Wisdom,” Dr. Ben Johnson, MD, DO, NMD understands the significance of thermography and contributes a chapter of his book to the subject of thermography.

A Few Facts About DITI

  • Medical thermography was approved by USFDA in 1982 as an adjunctive procedure for breast cancer risk assessment.
  • DITI is specially useful for women with dense breast tissue and women with surgically altered breast.
  • For people under 55 years old, DITI has a 99% sensitivity, a 90% specificity and 90% accuracy.
  • DITI is used for DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ), where cancer cells grow in ducts and so develop without forming a palpable mass!
  • DITI detects inflammation, a precursor for many disorders.
  • DITI detects irregularities in breast YEARS before a lump is formed.
  • DITI is an excellent breast cancer monitoring/assessment tool for women of even young ages.
  • Thermography is the only method that can “Visualize” pain, being acute or chronic.
  • DITI is a good warning tool for stroke and blood clots by detecting inflammation in carotid arteries.
  • DITI can differentiate between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It is also a good warning tool for early assessment of arthritis.
  • DITI may point to immune system problems by detecting heat at specific vertebrae.

What Is Thermography

What is Thermography?

Thermography — or more accurately said for our purpose — Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI), is an industry technique to capture remotely objects’ surface temperatures. Most of us probably have seen this method at least in the movies when somebody holds a “binocular” and “sees” people in the darkness of the night. Those binocular-looking devices are nothing but an Infrared Camera that detects different surface temperatures of objects (being a human, an animal or any other object). Objects in nature are exposed to sun infrared radiation and emit themselves at different rates the infrared energy. The “Infrared Cameras” read with a high degree of accuracy these emitted infrared temperatures off of the surface of an object and the read temperatures can be plotted (with the help of a computer) to “see” the whole or part of the object.

The human body constantly emits infrared energy from the skin surface. The skin is in “communication” with every part of our body through our Nervous System. The “abnormalities” of the body translate into different skin temperatures.

Let us take the “breast thermography” as an example. The infrared camera takes a picture from your breast area (from a few feet away). The camera is capable of reading the temperatures of hundreds of single points of the breast surface. In case of a developing tumor (even in the very earliest stages) the skin temperature will rise as the new tumor cells build their “own” blood vessels, needed for their nourishment, causing a rise of temperature on the skin (via Sympathetic Nervous System). This simple process is so nothing more than taking a photograph with an infrared camera, without a contact to the body and without “sending” anything to it and can be used to monitor the breast (or other parts of the body) of women and men at any age group with zero side effects.

The thermography principle is based on the fact that our Sympathetic Nervous System responds to “physiological” changes anywhere in the body. Unlike other screening methods that target “structural” changes — such as formation of a tumor which has to be large enough to be detected, requiring several years up to a decade — thermography targets the “path” the tumor has to go from a few cells to a large detectable tumor, i.e. the physiological changes in the body that appear parallel to the abnormality formation.

FAQ about Thermography

Q:  Are there any special preparations for me to take?

A: Please consider the following instructions for your test:

  • Some medications or supplements (such as Beta-Blockers, Anti-Inflammatory drugs, Niacin) may affect the test result.  Please consult your Physician if you can stop taking them on the day of your test.
  • Do Not use deodorants or powders  2 hours prior to test.
  • Do Not use lotions, creams, make-up, perfumes for at least 2 hours prior to test.
  • Do Not have any other treatments (such as chiropractic, massage) on the day of your test.
  • Do Not take heavy sunbathe or tanning for a week before your test. Avoid sun exposure on the test day.
  • Do Not use sauna for 2 days prior to your test.
  • Do Not take a shower 2 hours prior to test.
  • Do Not shave for 2 days prior the test.
  • Do Not exercise on the test day.
  • Do Not smoke 2 hours prior the test.
  • Do Not eat or drink caffeine or alcohol products on test day
  • Thermography should not be considered within 3 months of any chemotherapy, other radiations treatments or surgeries
  • Do Not undergo thermography if you are sick(flu etc.) and have high fever.
  • Do Not have thermography within 3 days of other breast exams.

Q:  How long does the test take?

A: 15-30 minutes depending on the test type(Breast, Whole body or other sections)

Q:  What is the thermography session like?

A: After your arrival in our office, you will put on a disposable gown in the thermography room and wait about 10 minutes to relax and adjust to the room temperature (around 70 F).  You will fill out a questionnaire required by the reporting Doctor(who will  “read” your thermography images). You will then sit in front of the thermography camera and a series of images will be taken by the Thermographer (a female if you are a lady). That is all there is to it!

Q:  Are there any side effects?

A: None. The process is Non-invasive. Taking thermography images is as safe as you take images with your regular camera.  Nothing will touch and nothing will be sent to your body.  No radiations, no breast (or other parts of the body)manipulation.

Q:  How often do I need thermography?

A: For breast screening the first test establishes a Baseline for future reference and comparison. In case of a severe abnormality, the reporting Doctor will give instructions how to proceed. Otherwise the normal procedure is to take another breast image 3 months after the baseline and then once a year thereafter. For other parts of the body or for special purposes the tests are done as needed.

Q:  How long does it take to get the test results?

A: Up to a week. The report can be emailed to you or you can pick up a printed copy from our office.

Q:  What are the prices?

A: Please refer to our price list on this website. Also remember that we often run special offers with considerable savings.

Thermography Screening Fees


Breast and Lymph

Breast Cancer risk, Lymph Node activity under arm

Complete Women’s Health

Stomach, Visceral (Abdomen), Ovaries, Uterus, Large and small Intestines, Colon, Kidneys, Breast and Lymph Node, Cranial, Thyroid, Carotid, Upper Back, Lower Back

Women Full Body:  From Head to Toe $449.00
Complete Men’s Health $349.00
Men Full Body:  From Head to Toe $399.00
Region of Interest (Male or Female) $229.00

Excerpts from Summary of Studies

The Biomedical Handbook »»

“1982 FDA approved Thermography as an adjunctive Breast screening procedure. Breast Thermography has the ability to detect the first signs of a tumor that may be forming up to 10 years before other procedures can detect it.”

National Cancer Institute »»

“Thermography’s digital infrared imaging can detect the increase in regional breast temperatures resulting from measured blood vessel activity in both pre cancerous tissue and the area surrounding a developing breast cancer.”

The Lancet »»

“Screening for breast cancer with mammography is unjustified…the data show that for every 1000 women screened biennially throughout 12 years, one breast-cancer death is avoided whereas the total number of deaths is increased by six…there is no reliable evidence that screening decreases breast-cancer mortality.”

2003 issue of AMA journal, American Medical News »»

“There is little evidence documenting that mammography saves lives from breast cancer for premenopausal women.”



Thermography is a non-invasive imaging technique

Thermography uses special infrared-sensitive cameras to digitally record images of the variations in surface temperature of the human body. It’s basically a specialized HDTV night vision camera used to record images of the heat patterns of the breast. The recorded images are called thermograms.

Thermography is an unsurpassed, safe and noninvasive breast cancer screening technique that can detect signs of cancer up to ten years earlier than is possible using mammography. Breast thermography is approved by the FDA for breast cancer risk assessment. The exam takes only a few minutes, and there is no touching or compression of the breast whatsoever.


Natural Health Fee Schedule

Individual Programs/Modalities:

Eye Exercise Session                                                $39.00
— Footh Bath Detox                                                   $49.00
— Chi Machine                                                           $39.00
— Reflex Energizer                                                    $39.00
— Infrared Mineral Lamp                                            $35.00
— Frequency (Rife) Device                                        $49.00
— Biofeedback Relaxation Device                             $49.00
— Full Head Hair Strengthening Laser                       $49.00
— Low Level Laser for Pain Etc.                                $49.00
— Nutritional Microscopy                                            $99.00
— Body Fat/Lean Mass Assessment                         $49.00
— Skenar Bioenergy                                                 $125.00
— Accupoints Addiction Cravings Reduction             $45.00
— Natural Health Consultation (comprehensive)     $195.00
— Whole body Bioenergy Assessment                    $149.00
— Iridology                                                                   $95.00
— Aura Imaging with Frequency Counter                 $149.00
— Assessment of Lung CO due to Smoking              $25.00
— Whole Body Vibration                                              $25.00
— Spinal Light Touch Procedure                               $195.00
— Oxygen Level Assessment                                     $15.00
— Cupping Procedure                                               $125.00
— Energy Device for Pain Reduction                          $65.00
— Infrared Jade Bed                                                    $75.00
— Lipid Panel                                                               $75.00