
                                                        The Missing Link

Quite a few years ago I came across a training program called “Light Touch Therapy” which dealt with aligning and balancing the posture by way of lightly rub (or just energetically activating) certain meridian reflex points on the buttocks, spinal column, shoulder, neck and abdomen. Prior to the therapy, client’s postural distortions would be evaluated via a plumb line and visual observation. These distortions would be the amount of deviation from plumb line (in inches), presence of flexion, pelvis rotation and shift. A simple calculation and empirical therapy steps (based on Dr. John Hurley DC of 1920’s, followed up with Dr. Rosquist and using the laws of mechanic) would then be used to start the adjustment. I found this method so intriguing that I kept studying the mechanics of body posture and its astounding effects on total health and wellbeing. I went through more training and received certification in biomechanic.

The results of postural correction on the entire body system was nothing but miraculous, at times its similarity with homeopathy was astonishing, when following the therapy many old, chronic ailments would start to show up, making the body take them on and finally deal with them. Herxheimer reactions (healing crisis) were not uncommon. I saw very skinny young boys and girls with “beer belly” even on the best nutritional regimen whose bulge disappeared after a posture correction.

Our body structure is held in place with the help of bones, muscles (ligaments, tendons, joints) and fascia. Any distortion or disorder in any of these organs will affect almost every part of our body. These organs but are under constant attack from birth throughout the life. External forces such as extreme pressures, hits, falls and other traumas and accidents all contribute to postural misalignment. A stationary, sedentary lifestyle (such as prolonged sitting by the TV/computer, Cellphone or in the car behind the wheel) helps posture distortion. In addition, our vertebral discs get their nutrition/oxygen via diffusion/convection from vertebral endplates as the disks have no blood supply of their own, and the diffusion takes place only under load/movement. No exercise or movement translates in no nutrition/oxygen to our vertebral discs resulting in inevitable disc degeneration. Another factor in posture misalignment is lack of nutrients. Our cells need proper nutrients in proper amounts as well as enough oxygen to function correctly. Today our food generally lacks good nutrients and our air has less oxygen as it used to. Our posture is also directly and bidirectionally related to our mood/emotions. Our autonomic nervous system correlates well with our psychological state: sad and depressed people are usually slouching while happy energetic ones are in extended position!

One of Skenar Therapy protocols (a type of biofeedback device in which I had extensive training) called “Little Wing” aimed at balancing the sphenoid bone in the skull. This bone is of outmost importance as it connects to almost every other bone in the skull. Any misalignment of this bone will affect our entire system including hormonal and nerves. It was amazing how addressing this bone relieved chronic head- aches, improved sinus troubles, vision, mood and the list goes on. The Skenar results was another indication for me that a chiropractic test/adjustment is a necessity for a comprehensive health plan. There is also a new simple procedure from a Chiropractor to address the imbalances of the skull bones. Called “Cranial Facial Release” .It involves inserting a small balloon in the nasopharynges and inflating

It for a second. This procedure is way faster and more effective than Skenar therapy protocol. People have reported to me numerous magical results in their general health.

So I found my missing link in the realm of natural health. I firmly believe that no natural health program is complete without a body posture evaluation. Every person starting from very young age should be checked by a competent chiropractor, utilizing imaging techniques and manual posture alignment. Many postural disturbances DO NOT SHOW SYMPTOMS for many years, and by the time symptoms appear we might be already in deep trouble.


Chi Exerciser

By enabling the body to move gently from side to side in a figure of eight, the oxygen absorption might be maximized. As a passive aerobic exercise, the Chi Machine maximizes supplemental oxygenation of the entire body via physical stimulation.
It creates a balanced, rhythmic, relaxing wave-like motion throughout the body, enhancing the metabolic rate, aiding detoxification via the lymphatic system and aligning the spine. These also contribute to sharper mental activity, focus and alertness.

Due to its low impact operation, the Chi Machine is also extremely valuable for the frail, physically challenged, seniors or bedridden, as they will benefit tremendously from the general body oxygenation and the movement of lymphatic fluid.

Jade Far-infrared (FIR) Thermal Bed

The FIR bed targets body’s vital pressure points along the spine with a precise relaxing massage that provides the benefits of a massage, acupressure and FIR heat. The FIR heat being absorbed into the jade (a shiny green precious stone that is a natural transmitter of FIR rays in the same wave length as the human body) rollers, deliver a penetrating contact-heat to the parts of the body being massaged. FIR heat travels directly into the muscles without heating the air between the body and the source. The jades also produce negative ions which encourage the cell metabolism, increasing thereby vitality and immune function. FIR bed alleviates the stress and pain that accumulate in the body from everyday living by improving the blood circulation, loosening stiff muscles and easing joint pain.

According to Traditional Eastern Medicine, particular points on the body are connected and correspond to various body systems. The majority of these “pressure points” are located near the spine. The combination of comprehensive deep tissue jade roller manipulation and deep tissue body penetration of FIR light and heat work to realign the body to a more healthy and balanced posture. The energy flow is enhanced, pressure on nerves is relieved , blood flow optimized and regenerative ability of body’s own natural healing encouraged.

Cold Laser

In 1965 Drs. Sinclair, Knoll and Master pioneered the way for therapeutic lasers. These lasers don’t cut or destroy tissue, rather stimulate and thereby provide a healing effect. The energy here is of a non-thermal light photons, which can be absorbed by the body and be converted to chemical energy and so initiate numerous balancing functions.

Unlike other light sources, laser is coherent, meaning the oscillation is in the same direction and phase. This is very beneficial as the body communicates also in the same coherent light language. By stimulating the body with an appropriate laser light of wave-length 630-980 nanometer, the body can be aided for proper oxygenation and detoxification of the cells and tissue regeneration.

Hot lasers used for medical purposes can increase the temperature of the contact surface, While cold laser (a term used for Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT) will not raise that temperature. Cold lasers are used for tissue stimulation without having sufficient strength to cause cell damage (staring directly into the laser beam should be avoided as it could irritate the retina and damage the eye). Once the cold laser light energy enters the tissue photochemical reactions take place, which will stimulate the natural biological processes that help control the pain and initiate body’s own healing mechanisms (photons that enter the damaged cells, produce energy—ATP—improving their function, assist cell division, strengthening the immune system and the secretion of various hormones.

Detox Foot Bath

The foot bath unit produces a bio-charge that resonates throughout the water at a frequency specific to each individual person who is having a session. The negative ions released during a session are similar to those found in hot springs and other naturally charged water sources. They help to rebalance the body’s energy meridians by permeating and realigning a person’s energy field, thereby enhancing and amplifying the body’s ability to heal itself.

It is typical for a person to feel relaxed with a heightened mental clarity right after a foot-bath session.

The power supply of the unit generates and sends a direct current (DC) through a set of electrodes submerged in water which produce large quantities of negative ions. The refreshing feeling when walking along the beach is contributed to the ionic field produced as water molecules smash together on the sand. The ions are able to enter the body through relatively large pores of the feet and be transported throughout the body by circulatory and lymphatic systems. The ions can potentially neutralize the oppositely charged toxins in the cells and so contribute to the body optimal functionality by ridding of toxins, free radicals and body’s waste products

According to reflexology practices, the feet are channels through which the body attempts to clean itself of toxic wastes. Some of the reasons behind foot bath function include:

  • Electro-osmosis created by toxic concentration gradient and electrochemical potential gradient developed across the skin
  • Increased skin permeability under applied electric current around the environment
  • A current-induced water transport effect

Once the feet are placed in the foot bath, large quantity of ions enter the skin and turn the naturally acidic skin (pH=6) into alkaline (higher pH). The change of pH allows the skin to be permeable to variety of anions(-) and cations(+). The ions are then transported through the body. Many toxins are detached from the cell membrane after being neutralized by the ions and can be removed by intracellular fluid through electro-osmosis


Electro Reflex Energizer (ERE)

ERE is based on the concept of reflexology by utilizing low frequency stimulation of feet by way of acupressure points in the soles of the feet to provide relief from pain, tension, soreness & muscle spasms. ERE stimulates key reflex points which in turn promote blood circulation while loosening tense muscle tissues, releasing foot soreness, leg pain, swelling, stiffness and general pain in lower back. This helps the body restore and maintain its vital balance.

According to Eastern medicine, the soles of feet & hands are divided in several sections, whose stimulation & massage relieves stress, tension & pain (by releasing trapped energies). ERE combines foot reflexology with electro stimulation. By incorporating a heated footrest, it provides a relaxing & energizing effect that let the body reach its natural balance & harmony. By helping the flow of energy through painful areas, healing effects can be promoted.