Bio Terrain Assessment (BTA)

The BTA tests are intended for nutritional assessment purposes only and are mostly of “Do It Yourself” types. No medical claims are made based on these tests results.

Free Radicals-Oxidative Stress

This is used to assess electron potential and cell damage. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules with uncoupled electrons and are by-products of normal metabolic reactions.

As cells begin to steal electrons from each other, cell destruction results. High oxidation rate leads to fatigue and stressed body systems.

Electrolyte Dynamics: Flow of  Energy

Electrolyte solutions can enhance our cell function if they are balanced. Any imbalance here will upset the normal electrical flow through cells.

Nitrates Assessment for Immune Weakness/Stress

Nitrates are end product of nitric oxide (NO). NO is made by the body for a short time to mediate chemical situations. It is stimulated by low oxygen or high carbon monoxide and converts to a free radical. Nitrate test can assess an array of systems stress and oxidation.

Lemon Juice Test for Mineral Reserve and pH Assessment

Minerals are needed in the body for enzyme activity. By subjecting a person to lemon juice, the mineral buffer system reactions can be observed along a time line, and the available mineral reserves, degree of stress and mineral depletion risk factors monitored.

Ammonia Discharge: Assessment of Stress and Acidity

During protein metabolism nitrogen wastes are produced. The first nitrogen containing molecules formed is ammonia (NH3), which must be excreted by the body before it raises body fluid pH. Too much or too little ammonia causes imbalance in the system (like out of balance acid/alkaline ratio). Ammonia is also an adaptation response to mental, emotional, stress and other acid forming causes and its monitoring provide clues to body stress condition.

(Cl-) Displacement and System Stress

This test helps determine the degree of energy output of the body, the burden on the fluid balancing systems, the probable buffering- and mineral deficiency and the level of body stress. When stress activity and acidity is high or low, certain minerals (Na, K, Mg) that are bound to chloride are displaced. High acidity is the result of hyper-stimulated  sympathetic system, which stimulates certain body control systems.

Pulse Pressure Test for Stress Evaluation

The fact that a non-stressed body responds by blood pressure rising when standing up from a lying position can be used to evaluate system stress.

Pupil Size Observation

Stress can be assessed by looking at the pupil size in response to application and removal of a light source (such as a flash light).

Basal (at rest) Temperature Test

Basal temperature test is a simple method to monitor how the body uses some of the hormones that control that control the efficiency of its heat production.

Iodine Absorption Test

Is used to assess the absorption of the element iodine, which is very important for the body normal hormonal functions.

Digestion Assessment:  Malabsorption/HCl Evaluation

A proper protein absorption through the digestion system is of great importance

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) plays a big role in providing appropriate medium for the enzymes to break down the food and any imbalance in this system leads to undigested food, resulting in an overgrowth of pathogens and a host of other problems.

Enzyme Assessment

Digestive enzymes are the most important step in food digestion. Any imbalance here leads to undigested food, a whole range of problems and the suffering of intestinal flora.

Total Sugar Test

This is not a test for diabetes or glucose measurement. It is a “total sugars” assessment for evaluation of the body sugar metabolism meaning “high’ or “low” sugars.

Sugar metabolism has a tremendous importance in our ability to access the appropriate energy production pathways. Without its proper control and balance energy production will fluctuate. Some of the factors contributing to sugar imbalance are improper diet, stress, hormonal factors and lack of physical exercise. There are 2 major genotypes regarding sugar metabolism. The “glucogenic” type people who are deficient in oxidative energy metabolism from fats. Their system prefers to burn energy through citric acid cycle, i.e.  burning sugars as fuel. The “ketogenic” type people who are deficient in oxidative energy metabolism produced from amino acids. Their system prefers to burn fats via beta hydroxybutyric acid cycle. Both imbalance types are continuously struggling with sugar control. The “sugar meter” reads both high sugars (ketogenic) and low sugars (glucogenic).

Certain foods are good for one type and bad for another, especially due to different tendencies regarding acidity/alkalinity of the two genotypes.

Breath Test

This test determines the time a person is able to hold breath, which may point to the sugar metabolism genotypes. The Glucogenics have shorter breath-hold ability due to burning sugar and increased production of CO2 which leads to more oxygen requirement.

Lipid Panel Test

As high lipids oxidation, ammonia and electrolytes lead to numerous imbalances, it is good to know the lipid levels. This test evaluates the lipid levels in conjunction with other oxidative measures and is used solely for evaluation of oxidative stress on the body.

Mineral Calcium Assessment

Calcium is involved in vital functions of the body, such as in bones, muscle contraction, nerve impulses and the regulation of numerous other body reactions. As such it is very important to evaluate the body’s calcium reserves

Vitamin C Assessment

Vitamin C is involved in literally hundreds of biological activities in the body. Some conditions associated with vitamin C imbalance are low immune functions, fragile  capillaries, allergies, scurvy, etc.

This is a quick test to assess the body’s vitamin C status.

Hydration Index

When the body is dehydrated, it takes the water out of cells to dilute the acidity. As water is a good signal conductor, without it the cell communication will be affected dramatically

Zinc Test

Zinc is associated with tremendous amount of important body functions. It is mostly lacking in today’s modern diet. Zinc is important for enzyme production and is an essential cofactor of immune and reproductive systems. This is a simple yet reliable test that shows instantly the body’s zinc status.

Chemstrip Tests

These tests are basically a series of Do It Yourself  assessment for evaluation of several body systems stress level.

Osteomark NTx

This is a lab test for a non-medical evaluation of bones condition. It provides a quantitative measure of the excretion of cross-linked N-telopeptides of type I collagen.

NTx is ideal for identifying the probability for a decrease in bone mineral density after one year in postmenopausal women receiving calcium supplements.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

Hair contains all the minerals present in the body, including nutritional as well as toxic heavy metals. Human hair has been accepted as an effective tissue for biological monitoring of toxic heavy metals by the US EPA. Hair accumulates all important trace elements, is a commonly available tissue, is wide spread geographically, is easily collected, stored and transported. Hair specimen can be re-sampled and is present in polluted and non-polluted areas. The content of hair correlates also with environmental gradient of metals. For many years hair has been used as an indicator for nutritional status and supplementation in animals. Several minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium help regulate our energy production. Only if these minerals are at normal levels, then the body will be working at peak efficiency. Another important aspect is the ratio between these minerals. For example, the ratios of Ca/K and Na/Mg determine how fuel (such as sugars) is provided and burned to supply energy.

HTMA as a lab test measures the mineral contents of hair and provides a picture of the body’s internal environment. It is important to know that what serves as good nutrition for one person may not be good for another. HTMA will greatly help to assess correctly the true nutritional needs of a person, which supplements to take and which to avoid.